Why Solar PPA Program? FAQ

Objection: My roof is old and probably can’t handle solar panels.


We understand your concern. Before moving forward, we’ll inspect your roof to assess its condition. If necessary, we can help you secure a loan or recommend options to repair or reinforce your roof. Our goal is to ensure that your home is well-prepared for solar panel installation.

Objection: I don’t want to sign my rights to my house over or risk losing my home.


There’s no need to worry about losing any rights to your property. You retain full ownership of your home. We simply lease the space on your roof to install the solar panels. In return, you benefit from a significantly reduced power bill—often by 50% to 100%—and we manage the sale of any excess power back to the grid.

Objection: What happens if I sell my house?


Great question! If you’re buying a home, wouldn’t you prefer one with no power bill or a substantially reduced one? Homes with solar panels are more attractive to buyers because they offer ongoing savings. Plus, the solar agreement can often be transferred to the new owner, making your home more marketable and valuable.

Objection: Why would I let you make all the money off of
putting something on my roof?


It’s understandable to want to ensure you’re benefiting as much as possible. By partnering with us, you can receive solar credits, pay little to nothing upfront, and possibly qualify for a loan or pay cash if preferred. The installation cost for these systems typically ranges from $30,000 to $75,000, which we cover. In return, we manage the system and cover your power bill up to 100%. Plus, you may be eligible for additional home upgrades, depending on your qualifications.

Objection: This sounds like a scam!


We get it—solar offers can seem too good to be true. However, government incentives currently make solar energy more accessible, helping people reduce or eliminate their power bills while promoting clean energy. We invite you to verify the program’s legitimacy through our provided resources [insert website link here]. Rest assured, we don’t ask for any upfront payment, nor do we require you to sign anything that puts your home at risk. We’re simply partnering with you to help lower your energy costs while we’re compensated over time by government incentives.

Objection: Who maintains the system and fixes it if something goes wrong if i go with your PPA program?


We take full responsibility for any repairs or maintenance needed for the solar system. You can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without worrying about any additional costs or upkeep.

Objection: What If you damage my roof during install? Is the Solar going to cause roof issues? Who maintains the system and fixes it if something goes wrong if i use financing or buy with cash?


Your concerns about your roof are completely justified, and I shared the same worries before I learned more about this technology. What I discovered is that a roof without solar panels is more prone to leaks than one with them. The panels serve as a protective layer for your roof, and the Geocel mountings we use are the same ones applied in underwater pipe welding scenarios—known for their strength and sealing properties. To further assure you, we back everything up with our own comprehensive warranty against any issues.

What happens if my roof leaks because Solar is installed?


Your concern about potential roof leaks from Solar installation is valid, but here's why it's highly unlikely: The installation includes four robust layers of protection to prevent leaks.

Geocel Sealant:

A liquid polymer that hardens to seal any potential leak points; it's even used in underwater welding.

Aluminum Flashing:

A 10" cover around the penetration area, secured tightly with lag bolts.

EPDM Gasket:

Built into the flashing, this adds an extra layer of compression against potential leaks.

Specialized Washer:

A melded aluminum-EPDM washer above the lag, compressing against the entire mounting hardware.

Together, these layers create a virtually impenetrable barrier against leaks, ensuring the integrity of your roof. If it ever did leak, although highly unlikely, you would simply call the installer, and they would promptly come out and service it at no additional cost to you.


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